August 14 2024 20:46

A matchmaking proptech platform called PocketProperty has just launched and is set to revolutionise how landlords and tenants rent out or rent the best properties in South Africa.
Software engineer and entrepreneur, Michael Ndijbu Lukusa explains that the platform uses top-end technology effortlessly to connect tenants with their perfect rental home. Lukusa previously built apps in the health industry and is now ready to disrupt SA’s real estate industry with a fresh, easy-to-use, reliable rental matchmaking platform.
“I’ve always been passionate about solving problems. Having built applications before, I regularly look at industries which affect many people’s lives. I found that numerous residential property listings platforms were let down by inefficient processes and systems. This inspired me to develop PocketProperty,” he says.
Potential tenants use PocketProperty to find homes. PocketProperty works with a local property listing aggregator in order to get the rental listings to which tenants’ needs are matched.
Lukusa prides himself on getting the details of the PockProperty right. The paltform is accessible at

Michael Lukusa, PocketProperty founder
“Finding the perfect rental can be a repetitive, difficult and tedious task. At PocketProperty we
understood this and decided to build a platform which acts as a prospective tenant’s
assistant. With, you can activate a rental search not just for the
rental price and the area of the property, but also for the number of rooms and the property types, and important features like pet-friendly, pool or garage. This is not from a single portal but across different rental agencies,” he says.

Search functionality
PocketProperty offers two kinds of monthly subscription packages: Basic and Professional. Basic users pay a subscription price of R10 while Professional users pay R25 for a 30 day period.
A basic user who signs up will instantly receive a curated list of matched properties
tailored to their preferences on their preferred schedule on WhatsApp. With this subscription type, users can receive their properties and apply accordingly for the property they would like.
Professional users get to take their property searches and matching to the next level with premium benefits. With this subscription, users will have their matched rental requests submitted to rental agents or landlords as soon as they get matched. This is to ensure that you are put ahead of the competition for your dream home.
Professional users also receive instant WhatsApp notifications for properties where rental requests have been submitted.
For both the professional and basic subscriptions, users have the ability to submit a
maximum of five different rental requests meaning you could be looking for a townhouse or a house in the same area, or in a different neighborhood. With five requests you are guaranteed to have more choices.
PocketProperty launched at the beginning of August and the focus remains on simplicity, ease of use and data management technology which is second-to-none in SA, dealing with hundreds of thousands of data points. Lukusa chose for to be a web application as it is easy to run and doesn’t need to be installed like a typical app, meaning users can save space on their devices. Users can login into the application from their mobile phone, laptop, desktop PC or other device.
Users also get access to a personalised dashboard that tracks their rental activity. PocketPropery also lets its users stay one step ahead in the rental market with instant notifications delivered directly to their preferred communication channel, whether it’s WhatsApp, or email. Be the first to know when new properties matching your criteria become available, which gives you an edge.
PocketProperty is an exciting first-to-market matchmaking residential property platform. Check it out here!
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